Stock Events

Portfolio Performance Comparison

Portfolio Performance Comparison

One of our most requested feature has been rolled out this week.

Performance comparison empowers you to compare your portfolio performance against other indices, stocks and ETFs. You can activate and deactivate different securities and compare them over several time intervals. From one day to five years.

What's it used for?

  1. Benchmarking
    You can get a better understanding how your portfolio is performing against similar investments by comparing them against each other.
  2. Goal Setting
    Set more realistic goals by knowing how other investments perform.
  3. Risk Management
    Notice areas of your portfolio that underperform early to improve your risk management
  4. Decision Making
    Comparing your portfolio performance against individual assets can help you find stocks that perform well and which ones need to be adjusted or replaced

Pro Users

As a Stock Events Pro user you can also compare against individual stocks from our whole collection. You can add them through the search function and they stay for as long as you want. No need to add them again later.