Nuveen New York AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund 



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Cette liste est basée sur les listes de surveillance des personnes sur Stock Events qui suivent NRK4385307. Il ne s'agit pas d'une recommandation d'investissement.


Cette liste est une analyse basée sur les événements récents du marché. Ce n'est pas une recommandation d'investissement.
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À propos de nous

Nuveen New York AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund is a closed ended fixed income mutual fund launched by Nuveen Investments, Inc. The fund is co-managed by Nuveen Fund Advisors LLC and Nuveen Asset Management, LLC. It invests in the fixed income markets of New York. The fund invests in undervalued municipal securities and other related investments the income, covered by insurance from insurers with a claims-paying ability, exempt from regular federal and New York income tax and are rated Baa, BBB or better and having an average maturity of 15.98 years. It employs fundamental analysis with bottom-up stock picking approach to create its portfolio. The fund benchmarks the performance of its portfolio against the Standard & Poor's (S&P) New York Municipal Bond Index and the Standard & Poor's (S&P) Insured National Municipal Bond Index. It was formerly known as Nuveen New York AMT-Free Municipal Income Fund. Nuveen New York AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund was formed on July 29, 2002 and is domiciled in the United States.
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