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Western Assets Emerging Markets Debt Fund 

+$0.02+0.19%Ultima settimana


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Questo elenco è un'analisi basata su recenti eventi di mercato. Non è una raccomandazione di investimento.
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Western Asset Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc. is an open ended fixed-income mutual fund launched and managed by Legg Mason Partners Fund Advisor, LLC. It is co-managed by Western Asset Management Company, Western Asset Management Company Limited and Western Asset Management Company Pte. Ltd. The fund invests in fixed income markets of emerging market countries across the globe. It seeks to invest in fixed income securities issued by governments, government-related entities, and corporations which are of any maturity and quality. The fund employs fundamental analysis along with a top-down security picking approach focusing on factors like currency, inflation and interest rate trends, growth rate forecasts, liquidity of markets for that country's debt, political outlook, tax environment to create its portfolio. It benchmarks the performance of its portfolio against the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global. The fund was formerly known as Salomon Brothers Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc. Western Asset Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc. was formed on December 1, 2003 and is domiciled in the United States.
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